Special Services

Student Services Facilitators (SSF) coordinate program services for students who are in need of assistance in academic, social, behavioral, and/or emotional areas. The SSF works cooperatively with teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, staff, parents, and other agencies in securing services, acquiring/developing resources, non-school referrals, etc., on an as-needed basis. Responsibilities of the SSF include coordinating special education referrals and reevaluations, serving on Problem Solving Teams (PST), serving on IEP team and eligibility committees, and serving as a local educational agency (LEA) representative.
School Psychometrists administer, score, and interpret intelligence, achievement, developmental, and other tests on students who may be gifted or who are suspected of having a disability. These results, along with other data, are used to determine eligibility for special education services. Psychometrists participate in eligibility meetings to explain assessment results to stakeholders.
IEP Facilitators assist special education staff in providing appropriate services to students and maintaining compliance. The IEP Facilitator assists IEP teams, administration, professional staff, and support staff with the effective implementation of federal, state, and local mandates. Responsibilities of the IEP Facilitator include planning and providing professional development for special education staff, serving as a resource person in the area of student services and compliance, and monitoring the special education process with all special education staff for compliance.
Preschool Special Education is designed for preschool-aged students, beginning at three years old, who live in Elmore County Public School’s service area. In addition to direct service provision, there is consultation with parents and preschool teachers. Services are provided in preschools, daycare centers, and other locations.
Special Education Teachers provide essential support for students with disabilities. Our special education teachers work both in special education classrooms and general education inclusive classrooms providing instruction to students with mild to severe educational needs. These teachers provide accommodations and/or modifications to the general education curriculum and specially designed instruction as required by the students’ Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Special Education Paraprofessionals provide essential support for students with disabilities. Under the supervision of a certified teacher or related services provider, paraprofessionals work both in special education classrooms and general education inclusive classrooms assisting students with mild to severe educational needs. Paraprofessionals provide instructional support, help accommodate materials, and provide personal care assistance/support as required by the students’ Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Speech & Language Therapy Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) are experts in communication. Elmore County's SLPs identify students with communication disabilities and implement appropriate treatments to minimize adverse impact on student success in the education environment. Speech and Language therapy may involve speech sounds, language, social communication, voice, and fluency.
Physical Therapy Physical therapists provide school based physical therapy when a student needs therapy services to function in an educational environment. Physical Therapy services generally address a child’s posture, muscle strength, mobility, and organization of movement in educational environments. Services may include direct hands-on treatment, consultation to monitor a child’s ability in his/her school setting, educating staff on appropriate classroom activities, classroom positioning, safety measures, equipment recommendations, and any other gross motor issue that may affect a child’s ability to receive an education.
Occupational Therapy Occupational therapy addresses the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and sensory components of performance. In schools, occupational therapists focus on academics, play and leisure, social participation, self-care skills (ADLs or Activities of Daily Living), and transition/ work skills. Elmore County's OTs assist students with developing, improving, or restoring fine motor and self-help skills. Once the student is evaluated, the OT can provide appropriate interventions or accommodations designed to help independent functioning. These services can be provided directly or consultatively, based on the needs of the student.
Vision & Orientation/Mobility Services Elmore County's Vision Specialist is responsible for the provision of vision and orientation/mobility services for all students in Elmore County with visual impairments. The Specialist consults with IEP team members, general education teachers, physicians, other vision and orientation professionals, and mobility agencies in an effort to provide assistance, resources, and education to assist in providing appropriate educational services to students with visual impairments.
Adaptive Physical Education Elmore County's adaptive PE coaches provide students with physical limitations or emotional concerns participation in physical education classes that are adapted for their skill level. An individualized plan is developed for each student and the instructors work with the student to achieve these specified goals.
Behavioral Services Behavior Specialists work with students having behavioral, social, or emotional issues. These services may involve counseling with students, creating or revising behavior management plans for school and home, conducting classroom observations, and meeting with school staff and parents. Elmore County's Behavior Specialists also provide educational resources and professional development on behavior management techniques, coduct all required manifestation determination meetings, and assist IEP teams in conducting functional behavior assessments (FBA) and developing behavior intervention plans (BIP).
Interpreting services Elmore County's interpreters serve as translators and Parent/Family Services Liaisons in a manner which provides services and assistance to students and families. Language Interpreters coordinate translation services, translate/interpret between students, families, and school personnel, translate documents, and support staff, students, and families.
Homebound Services Elmore County's Homebound Program provides services for students whose health or physical disabilities, documented by a physician's statement, prevent them from attending school. The homebound program provides continued access to the general curriculum and assistance to help students work toward academic/behavior/transitions goals as required by the students’ Individualized Education Program (IEP).